Do Grounding Bed Sheets Really Work?

As office workers, we’ve become disconnected from the Earth in a major way. We’re constantly indoors for at least 8 hours a day. We completely miss out on seeing the sun. It’s barely light outside when we drive to work. And we drive home from work in the dark.

Our workday is supported by fake florescent lights beaming down on us. We stare directly at neon lights coming out of our monitor screens.

Instead of breathing in fresh outdoor air, we breathe in a mixture of dust from the ceiling tiles and germs from your cubicle mates.

Once the weekend comes around, we’re beat down both mentally and physically. Mostly from job stress and working in a computer posture all week. Even if we did spend Saturday and Sunday outdoors, 2 out of 7 days a week just isn’t enough.

Of all these downsides about working in an office, one of the most unfortunate is that our feet never touch the ground anymore.

Sitting Posture Blogger by Todd shares Do Grounding Bed Sheets Really Work? - in photo: image shows a grounding sheet like the one I use for better sleep.
This image shows a grounding sheet like the one I use for better sleep. Image via

This article is about grounding bed sheets. It’ll talk about how they work and the benefits I’ve gotten from mine. Grounding bed sheets are the most helpful product I’ve used to connect with the natural healing properties of the Earth. The best part about a grounding sheet, it does all the work for me while I’m sleeping. 

This article is not professional medical advice. It’s based off my personal experience and opinions. For years, my poor computer posture caused muscle tension, inflammation, and chronic pain. Bad posture also decreased my mental clarity, energy level, and work productivity. 

All the office wellness tips I write about are directly related to improving posture at a computer. We are our own primary caretakers. Do your research. Make good decisions. And be the best advocate possible for your own healthcare.

My ebook “3 Ways” is always free. It talks about the 3 most painful, poor posture mistakes I used to make while sitting at a computer for long periods of time. Then, it tells you how to fix those posture mistakes, immediately! You can download my ebook here.

Do Grounding Bed Sheets Really Work?

In my experience, the answer is definitely yes.

The grounding bed sheet I got was very affordable. I got it on Amazon for $50. It’s the length of a regular bed sheet, but it’s only 3 feet wide. They do have full-sized sets available, but they are more expensive.

I’ve been using a grounding bed sheet since December 2023. I started to see improvements after the first few days. I also bought a grounding pillowcase ($20). 

Sitting Posture Blogger by Todd shares Do Grounding Bed Sheets Really Work? - in photo: image shows a grounding pillowcase
This is what my grounding pillowcase looks like. If you look at the image closely, you’ll see how the wire only plugs into the negative ground portion of the outlet. Image via

How do grounding bed sheets work?

The definition of grounding (in this case) is the process of connecting my body to the ground of the Earth. There are different ways to do this. You could walk outdoors bare foot. Another common way of grounding is sleeping on the ground (when camping, for example). But sleeping on a grounding sheet (in my own bed) is the method that has given me the most benefits. It’s also the most convenient.

The Earth provides us with an endless amount of beneficial electrons. If we’re always indoors, or wearing shoes while we’re outside, we don’t get to take advantage of these electrons and their healing, regenerative processes.

The grounding sheet I have looks similar to a normal bed sheet. Except, it has a small metal connector stitched onto the fabric. It comes with a thin wire that attaches to this connector. The other end of the wire plugs into the ground portion of an electrical outlet. It only plugs into the bottom hole of a 3-prong outlet. The top 2 holes stay empty. 

The sheet is 95% cotton and 5% silver fiber. The energy from the outlet is conducted through the silver fabric of the sheet. This is how the grounded energy is conducted from the Earth to the grounding sheet. And essentially to our bodies, while we sleep on the grounding sheet in our own bed. 

How to Improve Computer Posture Newsletter

Trust me. I know this sounds like some hippie stuff. I probably wouldn’t have believed it either before I tried it. But I’ve always shared everything that has helped me heal computer-related injuries.

Our bodies are always healing. How well they heal can depend on many variables. Some of my biggest enemies are chronic pain, muscle tension, and inflammation caused by computer-related injuries.

I first heard the term grounding back in 2015. At that time, I couldn’t remember the last time my bare feet actually touched the Earth. It had been years. I was always indoors, or I had shoes on when I was outdoors. 

So, I started doing outdoor workouts (bare foot) at a grass park in my neighborhood. I could definitely notice an improvement in my functionality. Especially in my ankles. 

You may have read about my previous ankle issues. Incorrect foot position at a computer caused issues that ended up requiring 3 ankle surgeries. Yes, really. Foot problems caused by sitting. 

I want to share this mistake I made in the past, so you can avoid it. When sitting at a computer, I’d always contract my hamstrings (due to either stress or my chair being too low). This hamstring contraction would pull my feet underneath my chair. This created a lot of muscle confusion throughout my entire leg. My hamstrings shortened. My quads and calves lengthened. All of them got tight and inflexible. To do a deeper dive on this topic, check out my article titled How to Position Feet When Sitting at a Computer.

Fast forward to current day, I’ve still been doing occasional outdoor, bare foot workouts. The thing is, they only last about 30 minutes each. 

The big difference in using these grounding sheets, I’m sleeping on them 8 hours a night. That’s a huge increase in time. And my results have definitely showed.

Grounding bed sheet benefits

Why am I telling you about grounding bed sheets? It’s not to push a product. I don’t have any links in this article to buy a grounding sheet from. I’m not affiliated with any company that sells grounding sheets. I bought mine with my own money. And I enjoy sharing products that’ve helped me improve my computer posture.

I’m telling you this because my grounding sheet has made a significant improvement in my quality of life. I sleep better with a grounding sheet. The better I sleep, the better my computer posture is the next day. I’ve also noticed a decrease in muscle tension, as well as improved functionality in my joints.

But the most surprising benefit of all, sleeping on a grounding bed sheet has improved my digestion. I used to suffer from gut issues for years, struggling with irritable bowel syndrome. Before I started using a grounding sheet, I had really focused on improving my nutrition for all of 2023. To learn about what foods I ate, check out my article titled Foods That Promote Good Posture.

My gut symptoms were getting better as I improved my nutrition, but the problem still wasn’t solved. By the time December 2023 came around, my gut issues were about 80% better. Then, I started using the grounding bed sheet. Within a few days, my irritable bowel syndrome was no longer an issue. I’ve had well-formed bowel movements ever since I started using a grounding bed sheet. The grounding sheet didn’t just decrease inflammation in my muscles and joints, it also helped improve my gut health.


If you’ve read this far, congratulations! You’re taking valuable steps to reduce computer-related injuries by improving your posture. That’s something to be very proud of!

If you liked this article on grounding bed sheet benefits, check out my free ebook titled 3 Ways to Improve Computer Posture Immediately!

>>> Click here to download your free copy

3 Ways to Improve Computer Posture Immediately! by Todd Bowen

This ebook is a great supplement to the article you just read. In this ebook, you’ll learn 3 of the most painful, poor computer posture mistakes. Then, you’ll learn how to fix those mistakes immediately with 3 simple changes to your ergonomic computer desk setup.

Go to to learn more.

Take care,

Todd Bowen

How to Improve Computer Posture Newsletter

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