How to Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer

I used to slouch forward at a computer from 2002 to 2011. It’s one of the most destructive things I’ve ever done to my body. I worked in this poor posture for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Since then, maintaining a neutral spine at my workstation hasn’t been easy. But I can say that it’s possible to come back from years of slouching at a computer desk. We just need to make small posture improvements and practice them on a consistent, daily basis.

Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer
This article will explain how to avoid slouching while working on a computer, by providing tips to sit upright at a desk. Image via ChatGPT.

This article will provide a list of what I require for my ergonomic desk setup for better posture. It will also go over proper computer posture tips to prevent slouching forward.

This article is not professional medical advice. It’s based off my personal experience and opinions. For years, my poor computer posture caused muscle tension, inflammation, and chronic pain. Bad posture also decreased my mental clarity, energy level, and work productivity. 

All the desk worker health tips I write about are directly related to improving posture at a computer. We are our own primary caretakers. Do your research. Make good decisions. And be the best advocate possible for your own healthcare.

Benefits of Good Computer Posture
My ebook “3 Ways” is always free. It talks about the 3 most painful, poor posture mistakes I used to make while sitting at a computer for long periods of time. Then, it tells you how to fix those posture mistakes, immediately! You can download my ebook here.

How to Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer

Ergonomic desk setup for better posture

I want my computer desk to be an asset that promotes good posture as soon as I sit down. Or if I’m at my standing workstation, as soon as I step on my anti-fatigue mat.

In order to make this possible, here’s a list of the office furniture and technology that I need for my ergonomic desk setup for better posture:

Height-adjustable desk

To avoid repetitive strain and overuse injuries, I switch from sit to stand positions multiple times a day. A height-adjustable desk makes this transition quick, easy, and convenient.

External Monitor

Aligning monitor height is critical for preventing slouching at a computer. A large, external monitor makes adjusting monitor height super easy, especially since I use a laptop.

Ergonomic keyboard and mouse

The old tall, bulky keyboard and mouse caused carpel tunnel syndrome for me. Because I had to hold my wrists extended for long periods of time in order to lift my hands up onto the keys.

That wrist pain went away only a few days after I bought a flat, low-profile keyboard and mouse. These ergonomic devices allowed me to keep my wrists straight and relaxed while typing.

To learn more about these devices, check out my article titled Best Ergonomic Devices for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Ergonomic office chair

All office workers have different requirements for an ergonomic office chair. I’ve yet to find a specific chair that works great for everyone. The 2 most important variables I look for, when selecting a desk chair, are comfort and support.

Anti-fatigue mat

When standing at my height-adjustable desk, that hard floor used to caused repetitive strain and overuse of all my leg muscles. And that tension even led to lower back pain.

Once I bought an anti-fatigue mat for cheap on Amazon (not paid promotion), I could work in a standing posture much more comfortably. I immediately knew that my anti-fatigue mat would decrease muscle tension, joint dysfunction, and chronic pain in my legs and lower back.

Preventing slouching at computer

Aligning monitor to prevent slouching

If a monitor is too high, it can cause us to arch our spine to look upwards. This flattens out the natural curves of the spine. Which can cause spinal disc degeneration.

If a monitor is too low, this is the number one posture mistake that can cause slouching forward at a computer. We naturally tend to lean our bodies forward when we are using a monitor screen that’s too low.

To avoid these posture mistakes, I like to keep the top of my monitor screen even with my eye level. This is the most important of my tips to sit upright at a desk. It helps with reducing neck strain for computer use.

Having the correct monitor height and eye level avoids me having to tilt my head up or down to look at my screen. Holding my head tilted for long periods of time used to cause me chronic muscle tension and headaches for many years.

Chair adjustments to improve posture

If a desk chair is too low, it could cause multiple ergonomic problems. Leading to natural curves of the spine flattening out, repetitive strain of the biceps, shoulder pain, leg pain, ankle dysfunction, the list goes on.

If an office chair is too high, it could cause slouching forward and overextension of the lower back muscles.

The main rule I go by for chair adjustment (to improve posture) depends on my elbow height. I always want my elbow height to be above the desk level.

Sometimes it’ll be slightly above my desk, others it’ll be a couple inches even higher. I do this to change it up. I want to avoid working in the exact same position for long periods of time. Because that can cause repetitive strain and overuse injuries, even with correct posture.

Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer - illustration of  how the office worker on the left has made correct chair adjustments to improve posture.
Notice how the office worker on the left has made correct chair adjustments to improve posture. His elbow level is slightly above the desk level. Also, notice how both users have aligned monitor height to prevent slouching. The top of their monitor screen is even with eye level, regardless if they are in sitting or standing posture. Image by Reneshia via Megapixl.

Maintaining neutral spine at a workstation

I used to slouch forward at a computer 8 hours a day. This went on for years. Finally, I decided to learn about correct sitting posture.

But like anything else, I overdid it. I went from slouching forward, to sitting up “too straight” overnight. This flattened out the natural curves in my spine. Which can cause spinal disc degeneration just like slouching can.

Once I sat up too straight for a while, I had new computer-related pain compared to when I was slouching. I realized I needed to learn back pain prevention for computer users.

Instead of sitting up “too straight,” my most important tip to sit upright at a desk is a little more complex. And that posture tip is…

Sit with an upright torso, with a balanced, neutral spine. This allows the natural curves of the spine to stay intact.

That tip is the correct sitting position for computer work as far as the spine goes. It’s also correct when working in a standing position. It’s one of my most important tips for all-around proper computer posture.

Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer - illustration of  the spine looks like when an office worker is slouching forward
This is what the spine looks like when an office worker is slouching forward. Image by Eraxion via Megapixl.

To learn more about what I mean when I say sitting up “too straight,” check out my article titled Computer Posture: Why “Sit Up Straight” is Bad Advice.

Avoid Slouching While Working on a Computer - illustration of of an office worker sitting with an upright torso
Here’s an example of an office worker sitting with an upright torso. He has a balanced, neutral spine with its natural curves intact. This is also the correct spinal position for standing posture at a computer. Image by Eraxion via Megapixl.


If you’ve read this far, congratulations! You’re taking valuable steps to reduce computer-related injuries by improving your posture. That’s something to be very proud of!

If you liked this article on computer posture frequently asked questions, check out my book titled 45 Ways to Improve Computer Posture.

>>> Click here to learn more

book cover of 45 ways to i
45 Ways to Improve Computer Posture by Todd Bowen

This book is a great supplement to the article you just read. It covers healthy ergonomic habits like posture, sleep, hydration, and breathing.

I wrote this book to be the resource I wish I had back in 2002, when I first started sitting at a computer for long periods of time.

Go to to learn more.

Take care,

Todd Bowen

To keep up with my latest desk posture tips, sign up for my Computer Posture Newsletter.

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